Thursday, February 28, 2008

A little update

Since it's been a while since I last blogged, I thought I should post a little update...

Brian is back at CSU, full time, going for a degree in Applied Computer Science. He is so busy with studying and working (which he is also doing full time) and being a husband and a dad. I don't know how I did it working part time with no kids. He is amazing!

I am still working at my two jobs and spending the rest of my time being a home maker. We just bought our first house!!!! I cannot tell you how excited we are. We have just two more weeks before we close, so I am busy packing and planning our move. The very good thing is, our new house is only a few blocks from where we are now! Pictures are coming...don't worry.

Kellan is potty training. He is doing such a great job, and doing much better than I expected him to be doing. He is in underwear all of the time (except at night) and he only has number two accidents in his pants. This is by far the grossest part and much worse than changing a diaper. I told myself a few weeks ago that I would rather have one mess up a day and have it be poop than have several mess ups a day that are only pee. I am now changing my mind. I would much rather take the pee over the poop. Kellan is also learning how to be a great big brother. He often takes very good care of his little sister. Sometimes he decides she is in his way and that's when lessons are learned! He is helping out around the house with little things like dusting, laundry, trash and sweeping.

Ella is living the life. She sleeps twelve hours at night, wakes up, eats, plays, poops, eats some more and then takes a two-three hour nap, wakes up, eats, plays, takes a bath with her brother and then sleeps again. How much fun is that? She is walking and sometimes running from her brother and spends most of her time trying to talk like an adult. She has the same voice I had when I was little, very deep and raspy. Its cute when she randomly says little phrases in her adult voice. She is very good at expressing her opinion (loud noises)! Her smile is the most contagious smile I have ever seen and she gets compliments all of the time about it.

There is a little update...I'll try to stay current from now on.

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